An example demonstrating how to create and display a tab common control using WinAPI (Win32) C++ programming.
Much credit needs to go to Ken Fitlike’s excellent WinAPI site, from which I orginally learned how to do stuff like this. I don’t think the site has been updated for a number of years but it contains a ton of useful material on showing you how to create various things using the WinAPI.
All that is required to create a Tabbed Dialog is some small modifications to the Simple Window example: the WndProc function handles WM_CREATE and WM_SIZE messages in addition to WM_DESTROY:
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: { return OnCreate(hwnd,reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lParam)); } case WM_DESTROY: { OnDestroy(hwnd); return 0; } case WM_SIZE: { OnSize(hwnd,LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),static_cast<UINT>(wParam)); return 0; } default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); } }
This example does nothing but demonstrate the creation and display of controls of the WC_TABCONTROL class. Tab controls are created with the CreateWindowEx API function by varying the window styles. The API function CreateWindow can also be used:
HWND hwnd=CreateWindowEx(0, // extended styles classname.c_str(), // name: wnd 'class' _T("Tabbed Dialog Example"), // wnd title WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // wnd style desktopwidth / 4, // position:left desktopheight / 4, // position: top desktopwidth / 2, // width desktopheight / 2, // height 0, // parent wnd handle 0, // menu handle/wnd id hInst, // app instance 0); // user defined info
To get started with this tabbed dialog example first create an empty project in Visual Studio:
Create a new cpp file ‘main.cpp’, and the full code listing for main.cpp is as follows:
#include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib") #if defined __MINGW_H #define _WIN32_IE 0x0400 #endif typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> ustring; enum { IDC_TAB=200, }; inline int ErrMsg(const ustring& s) { return MessageBox(0,s.c_str(),_T("ERROR"),MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } void StartCommonControls(DWORD flags) { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX iccx; iccx.dwSize=sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); iccx.dwICC=flags; InitCommonControlsEx(&iccx); } HWND CreateTab(const HWND hParent,const HINSTANCE hInst,DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rc,const int id) { dwStyle |= WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE; return CreateWindowEx(0, //extended styles WC_TABCONTROL, //control 'class' name 0, //control caption dwStyle, //wnd style rc.left, //position: left, //position: top rc.right, //width rc.bottom, //height hParent, //parent window handle //control's ID reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(static_cast<INT_PTR>(id)), hInst, //instance 0); //user defined info } int InsertItem(HWND hTc,const ustring& txt,int item_index,int image_index, UINT mask = TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_IMAGE) { std::vector<TCHAR> tmp(txt.begin(),txt.end()); tmp.push_back(_T('\0')); TCITEM tabPage={0}; tabPage.mask=mask; tabPage.pszText=&tmp[0]; tabPage.cchTextMax=static_cast<int>(txt.length()); tabPage.iImage=image_index; return static_cast<int>(SendMessage(hTc,TCM_INSERTITEM,item_index, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&tabPage))); } int OnCreate(const HWND hwnd,CREATESTRUCT *cs) { RECT rc={0,0,0,0}; StartCommonControls(ICC_TAB_CLASSES); HWND hTabCntrl=CreateTab(hwnd,cs->hInstance,TCS_FIXEDWIDTH,rc,IDC_TAB); // Store the tab control handle as the user data associated with the // parent window so that it can be retrieved for later use SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA,reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(hTabCntrl)); InsertItem(hTabCntrl,_T("Page 1"),0,0); InsertItem(hTabCntrl,_T("Page 2"),1,1); InsertItem(hTabCntrl,_T("Page 3"),2,2); //set the font of the tabs to a more typical system GUI font SendMessage(hTabCntrl,WM_SETFONT, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)),0); return 0; } void OnDestroy(const HWND hwnd) { HWND hTabCntrl=reinterpret_cast<HWND>(static_cast<LONG_PTR> (GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA))); HIMAGELIST hImages=reinterpret_cast<HIMAGELIST>(SendMessage(hTabCntrl, TCM_GETIMAGELIST,0,0)); ImageList_Destroy(hImages); PostQuitMessage(0); } void OnSize(const HWND hwnd,int cx,int cy,UINT flags) { // Get the header control handle which has been previously stored in the user // data associated with the parent window. HWND hTabCntrl=reinterpret_cast<HWND>(static_cast<LONG_PTR> (GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA))); MoveWindow(hTabCntrl, 2, 2, cx - 4, cy - 4, TRUE); } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: { return OnCreate(hwnd,reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lParam)); } case WM_DESTROY: { OnDestroy(hwnd); return 0; } case WM_SIZE: { OnSize(hwnd,LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),static_cast<UINT>(wParam)); return 0; } default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); } } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst,HINSTANCE,LPSTR pStr,int nCmd) { ustring classname=_T("SIMPLEWND"); WNDCLASSEX wcx={0}; //stores information about the wnd 'class' wcx.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcx.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wcx.hInstance = hInst; wcx.hIcon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(LoadImage(0,IDI_APPLICATION, IMAGE_ICON,0,0,LR_SHARED)); wcx.hCursor = reinterpret_cast<HCURSOR>(LoadImage(0,IDC_ARROW, IMAGE_CURSOR,0,0,LR_SHARED)); wcx.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(COLOR_BTNFACE+1); wcx.lpszClassName = classname.c_str(); // first register the window 'class' (not c++ class) with the system // before doing anything else if (!RegisterClassEx(&wcx)) { ErrMsg( _T("Failed to register wnd class") ); return -1; } int desktopwidth=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int desktopheight=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); HWND hwnd=CreateWindowEx(0, // extended styles classname.c_str(), // name: wnd 'class' _T("Tabbed Dialog Example"), // wnd title WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // wnd style desktopwidth / 4, // position:left desktopheight / 4, // position: top desktopwidth / 2, // width desktopheight / 2, // height 0, // parent wnd handle 0, // menu handle/wnd id hInst, // app instance 0); // user defined info if (!hwnd) { ErrMsg(_T("Failed to create wnd")); return -1; } ShowWindow(hwnd,nCmd); UpdateWindow(hwnd); MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0)>0) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return static_cast<int>(msg.wParam); }
Upon building and compiling a dialog containing three tabs is show like so: